Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Increase Website Traffic by ABC concept

The increase in Web traffic is not difficult if you are armed with knowledge. In fact, it May be fairly simple if you remember ABC ABC acronym stands for analysis, and content of the bookmark. If used correctly, can significantly improve the three traffic the site over time. Using the ABC, we will not only increase visits to your website, but also saves money, because these methods are made available free of charge.


A very good thing that Google Analytics is that it is "no cost" solution for everyone. It is also a powerful resource that enables website owners to monitor the Internet such as page views and unique visitors at the entrance to your keywords. In addition, people are able to monitor user behavior and navigation, allowing them better, which is popular, or its pages.
For example, if you see your analysis and to verify each month that many users click on your "Blog" page, but very few click on your "About Us" page, it is an idea of what your users can find fascinating . If you are strategic, then use this information to their advantage, adding more content to your blog. You can also take a more active approach to promoting your blog and your home page, as this is the first thing users see.

Tip: Use the Web site analysis to improve the flow of user attention to the problem and give users what they want.


Social bookmarking is a great idea, whose owners are using the website to gain a competitive advantage. The bookmark is saved in the location (URL) that can be quickly loaded into your browser. If you bookmark the website, people can organize, search for references or web sites easily. Bookmarks of social change in the links displayed on sites to share content such as If or when the websites, keywords, bookmarks can be tagged, which allows users to search and find content.

You can increase visits to your site in the social bookmarks in two ways. You can send a link to your site social bookmarking site, the site users to click on the link and you will gain traffic. Calculated as a bookmark or search engine back link, which will improve your organic ranking in terms of time and ultimately attract more users to your site.

Tip: Use below to access a wider audience through links sharing of high traffic content sites such as


The owners of the site, one of the best ways to increase traffic to your website through the use of information content, which includes phrases targeted keyword. You will need their content to users, which is interesting, entertaining and well researched and, above all, which is linked to the user you want to attract. It has been said repeatedly, the Internet is "Content is king." If you want to improve the quantity and quality of traffic you need to add content to your web pages, which not only the degree of search engines, but also capture the interest of the user. If you do not know how to write good content to increase traffic to your website, the Internet has tons of resources that can provide useful suggestions

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